Moles are often the bane of people’s lives. However scientists now claim that people who have a lot of moles on their skin are biologically less likely to age as quickly as those without any moles.

BY News Editor 11 July, 2007

Not only does having a lot of moles mean that you’ll look younger for longer, researchers are also claiming that you may be at a lower risk of several other health worries too. The study, carried out by dermatologists at King’s College London, made the link between moles and ageing by studying the DNA of over 900 sets of identical twins. They found that the particular groups of DNA that are responsible for ageing, called telomeres, lived longer in people with over 100 moles in their skin than those who had less than 25 moles. The people with more moles could show signs of ageing 6-7 years later than those with very few moles, according to the researchers.

The only downside of having a lot of moles on your body is that your risk of getting skin cancer increases, but at least this recent research goes some way to redressing the balance.